[Salon] Israeli Assault on Al Aqsa is State Terrorism: Netanyahu exploits brutal attack to destroy pro-democracy movement


Tikun Olam תיקון עולם

Israeli Assault on Al Aqsa is State Terrorism
Netanyahu exploits brutal attack to destroy pro-democracy movement

I did an interview with my Clarkstown High School classmate, John Sakowicz, host of KMUD’s Heroes and Patriots radio show.  We discussed Israel’s judicial coup and tension it’s causing regarding Israeli government relations with the Biden administration:


“We are Brothers” false meme from radical MK advisor

Israel’s brutal attack on worshippers at the Al Aqsa mosque has one purpose, and one alone: to provoke a military response from Hezbollah and Hamas.  This in turn permits Netanyahu to order Israeli attacks on Gaza and Lebanon.  This series of tit-for-tat military escalations will, he believes, destroy any momentum of the pro-democracy.  In other words, the Israel-provoked violence in Jerusalem is a cynical plot to diminish the overwhelming power of the millions of Israelis who oppose the coup plotters plans to eviscerate Israel’s judicial system.

Another ploy used is the promotion of the hashtag-like phrase: Achim Anachnu (“we are brothers”).  This tweet is from the media advisor to Almog Cohen, one of the most vicious. violent MKs in the Knesset.  It’s a naked attempt to suggest that while we may be on separate ends of the divide regarding the judicial coup, when the homeland is under attack, we must unite against the common external enemy.  This is a no less cynical ploy intended to delay reckoning and obfuscate the real issue, which is the propagation of fascism in Israel.

Ben Gvir: suicide by self-immolation (Al Quds newspaper)

This weekend will show whether the strategem worked.  From my view of Israeli Twitter, it will fail.  There is no decrease in the fervor of protestors for their cause.  They see through Bibi, his lies and cynicism.

A key element in this project is Netanyahu’s use of Itamar Ben Gvir’s savage police thugs to brutally beat the worshippers and arrest hundreds of them.  The police minister is Bibi’s useful idiot-terrorist.  If you want to burn a house down, you need to find a man with matches.  That’s Ben Gvir, burning down the house.  In this sense, the inclusion of most violent, terrorist Parties in his governing coalition is useful, even indispensable to his remaining in power.

The result of merciless Israeli beating

This is the image (right) to which Twitter attempts to restrict access.  In all its shameful detail.


Many of you have seen the video of Border Police brutally smashing their clubs into the skulls of the worshippers.  I don’t have the heart to include it here.  Though if there are readers who want me to embed it here, I would consider it.  I will feature images of some of those Palestinians and the injuries they sustained.

It is shameful for Twitter to slap a “sensitive content” warning on these images.  They serve as critical evidence regarding events of global significance.  Forcing a user to click on the screen before permitting access, only protects Israel from the outrage that its savagery elicits.

Palestinian detainees

Among the 400 Palestinians arrested by Israeli invaders

I am outraged that the US government vetoed a Security Council resolution which would have decried this naked violence.  As usual, protecting Israel from accountability for its criminal behavior.  Jordan’s King Abdullah, the supposed guardian of the Haram al Sharif, has been useless and spineless in offering opposition.  In that sense, he’s betrayed Palestinian Muslims and all Islam. I also await even a word from the International Criminal Court (ICC) that it will advance the case against Israel for its crimes going back to the 2014 Operation Protective Edge.

It is peculiar that when the IAF bombed Lebanon it deliberately targeted empty fields and some infrastructure, avoiding populated areas.  This usually means that Israel is sending a warning, while not intending to inflict real damage.  Whether Hezbollah will “get the message” depends on whether Israel in turn gets the message regarding the mayhem at Al Aqsa.  So far there have been two straight nights of this.  If it continues, all bets are off.  Then we will revert to the May 2021 massive Israeli assault on Gaza in which 250 Palestinians were murdered.

al aqsa desecrated

Aftermath of Israeli pogrom at Al Aqsa

As many pro-Palestnian Twitter users have noted, global media coverage of the Al Aqsa attacks has repeatedly used euphemisms and neutral phrasing to describe them. They are not “clashes.”  Israeli desecration of the holy shrine and the rivers of blood which ensue is not a “raid.”  They are an invasion, a defilement, a desecration.  Call things by what they are.  Not with language determined by fear of offending Israel and its apologists.

From My Jewish Learning: lies Israel told us

Further, the notion that Israeli forces have any right whatsoever to assault Al Aqsa because of what its worshippers do inside it, is offensive.  If they want to barricade themselves inside to defend it from the desecrators, that it their prerogative.  Would non-Jewish thugs have any right to determine how Jews govern the Kotel?  Or would they have the right to defile a synagogue on Yom Kippur by breaking into it, because Jews have locked themselves inside?  The answer is obvious.

Not to mention Israel’s restrictions on access to Haram al Sharif.  Muslims have the right to worship there, period.   They have the right to free, unrestricted access there.  Do not ever permit pro-Israel apologists to boast about freedom of religion.  There is only one religion in Israel that enjoys such freedom. And it isn’t Muslims or even Christians (whose churches are under virtually constant assault).

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